Is bo the witch from brave
Is bo the witch from brave

Clarisse d'Etigues was the daughter of Baron Godefroy d'Etigues, who was the owner of a fictional castle in the real-life place of La Haye d'Etigues, which was just northeast of Maurice Leblanc's hometown, Étretat.

is bo the witch from brave is bo the witch from brave

She is named after Clarisse d'Etigues, Arsène Lupin's wife in The Countess of Cagliostro, who died after giving birth to their son, Jean.She plays an offscreen role in Lupin III: Part V, when she allows Lupin to hide from PeopleLog in the castle's catacombs.She calls him "Grandpa" as a term of endearment, similar to the way Lupin calls Zenigata "Pops". She is inexperienced in matters of love and expresses curiosity about her and Lupin's relationship.Ĭlarisse has a strong bond with the old gardener, who looked after her dog Karl after she was sent away to the convent. At the end, she desires to go out into the world and be a part of Lupin's gang, but Lupin believes he's been a bad influence on her.Ĭlarisse fears and detests the Count, and though she's a damsel in distress and he physically outmatches her, she fights him any way she can.Ĭlarisse doesn't know Fujiko very well, but trusts her and views her as a confidante during her imprisonment. She goes out of her way several times to save him again and again, including throwing herself on top of him when he gets shot. She calls Lupin "Ouji-san" for most of the film, which is translated to "Monsieur" in the Netflix subtitles.Ĭlarisse only sees the good in Lupin, particularly after she saved his life when she was a child.

is bo the witch from brave

A few minutes later, she saves Lupin, Fujiko and Zenigata from getting gunned down by Jodot by throwing herself at the machine gun. After Lupin gets shot, she offers to marry the Count if he spares his life. As an adult, she likewise cares for him when he's knocked out by a fallen tree root, although she doesn't have much time. As a child, she nurses Lupin back to health after he got injured the night before sneaking into the castle.

Is bo the witch from brave